6 To 9 Million Americans Has Toenail Fungus!

Six to nine million Americans are affected with toenail fungus and athletes tend to be affected at a higher rate.

Toenails can become thick due to: genetics, fungus infections, some systemic diseases, poor circulation, natural aging process, or injury. The toenail fungus creeps underneath the nails and causes ugly discoloration and crumbling. It's the same fungus that causes athlete's foot, jock itch and toenail fungus, but it generally affects the scalp, body, feet, or nails. One of these complications is when the fungus toenail is allowed to become abnormally thick. If your toenail fungus is so bad that your nails are 1/4" thick and curling, you will need to have them surgically removed.

Keeping toenails clean and trim is important because fungus can make a home under the toenail. While there's no sure way to prevent growth of toenail fungus, be sure to keep your feet dry and clean. It also may be necessary to discontinue using toenail polish as it can trap moisture under the polish and encourage the growth of fungus. As the fungus grows, it will continue to spread until the entire toenail becomes thick and yellow with crumbling edges.

Fungus Home Treatments
Infection with nail fungus occurs more often in toenails than in fingernails because toenails are often confined inside dark moist socks and shoes. It is best to treat toenail fungus or nail fungus from the inside out. Garlic powder can also be used to combat toenail fungus. Tea tree oil has recently received much attention for its ability to combat toenail fungus. Sporanox is the first advance in the treatment of toenail fungus. More often than not, a month of daily effort is needed to rid yourself of the toenail fungus.

But like most topical agents, the toenail fungus ointment alone has never proven effective against persistent nail fungus. The best form of treatment is prevention and preventing the fungus from spreading to other toenails may be the best treatment option. A medical professional can prescribe powerful drugs for treating toenail fungus the most common of which is: LamisilTM (terbinafine hydrochloride tablets).

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Indahnya Kebersamaan


5 Tips To Help You Stop Snoring Tonight

Did you know that there are proven methods to help you stop snoring immediately? No more restless nights. No more arguments with your spouse or sleeping in separate rooms. Individuals who snore are all too familiar with these scenarios, but it doesn’t have to continue.

Tip 1
Eliminate the presence of dust, pet hair and cigarette smoke from your home. These types of allergens make it difficult to breathe and especially bothersome for individuals who have been diagnosed with allergies. When breathing becomes difficult, air passages are restricted and this leads to snoring. Lying down at night can make these problems worse, so it’s best to rid your home of allergens and always use air filtration units in every room of the home, especially in the bedroom.

Tip 2
Use an anti-snoring device, such as the Sleep Genie from Odyssey Direct Solutions, Inc. This product is doctor tested and approved. It is made of a nylon lycra blend so that it fits comfortable on the head and below the jaw. Comfortably supporting the jaw while keeping the mouth closed during sleep is it’s primary goal. Individuals who sleep with their mouth closed do not have the ability to snore, which is why the Sleep Genie is a product that has former-snoring sufferers snoozing without a peep.

Tip 3
Sleep on your side instead of your back. Studies show that people who sleep on their back tend to be more likely to snore than those who are side or stomach sleepers.

Tip 4
If you suffer from allergies, sinus infections or have been diagnosed with a cold or the flu, try inhaling steam from hot running water before bedtime. This will help to open up the air passages naturally and allow you to breathe easier, which may reduce snoring

Tip 5
Try using two standard pillows instead of one. With your head elevated slightly, your air passages may not become as restricted. Often, passages become blocked when fatty tissue in the throat relaxes and makes it difficult to breath. Snoring is often the result, but having an extra pillow may help to curb the problem.

This article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used as, or in place of, professional medical advice. Before beginning any treatment for snoring, please consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and remedy.

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Indahnya Kebersamaan


5 Tips To Finding Effective Anti-Snore Devices

If you have tried everything, but still seem to suffer from snoring, don’t give up. Before turning to surgery, consider shopping for anti-snore devices. These products do not typically require a prescription, are economically priced and may just be the answer that you are looking for. However, as is the case when shopping for anything, there are a lot of anti-snore devices out there and knowing what to look for will make your selection process a lot easier.

Tip 1
Read the packaging, or information, carefully. Is the product doctor recommended or approved? If you see that the product is, in fact, doctor recommended, then you know that it is one of the quality anti-snore devices. For example, the Sleep Genie made by Odyssey Direct Solutions is a product that is doctor recommended. It has been proven to be effective, so you know you are getting value for your dollar.

Tip 2
Is the product safe? If the label doesn’t feature any product warnings, then look at the features and ask yourself if you think it looks safe for you. There is simply no reason to consider a product with safety warnings. While you are asleep, how much attention can you be paying to the safety of anti-snore devices? A good anti-snore device will protect you while you sleep and not cause additional need for concern.

Tip 3
Take a moment to consider if this is one of the anti-snore devices that appears comfortable. Among the things to consider are it’s design and materials. For instance, the Sleep Genie is very sleek in it’s design and is made from a comfortable nylon lycra blend. With this product, the snoring sufferer won’t have to worry about tossing and turning in discomfort. Comfort is key and is a must-have to avoid further sleep deprivation.

Tip 4
Affordability is a factor. Take some time to think about the cost of the item and it’s qualities. The majority of anti-snore devices are affordable, but others can be very costly. Before spending big bucks on anything, ask yourself if a more affordable product can produce the same results.

Tip 5
Does the product offer a guarantee or warranty? This is a sure sign that the product is backed by the company who makes it, which says a lot about their belief that the anti-snore device will work for you. Odyssey Direct Solutions, for instance, offers a 90-day money back guarantee on the Sleep Genie. By selecting a product that is backed by a company guarantee, you can feel good in knowing that you are getting value for your dollar.

This article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used as, or in place of, professional medical advice. Before beginning any treatment for snoring, please consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and remedy.

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Indahnya Kebersamaan


5 Surefire Ways To Find The Right Dentures

While dentures aren’t the best substitute for your own teeth, they are certainly helping some people keep their smile. With these tips on finding the right dentures for you, you don’t have to stop grinning.

Talk with your dentist

Though it might seem that your dentist might be the one to talk to you about dentures, you also may want to broach the subject before it becomes an immediate issue. Perhaps you have to take certain medications that can affect your dental health—epilepsy drugs, calcium channel blockers, or transplant drugs.

Or perhaps you have troubles taking care of your teeth due to some other illness or memory problem. The best way to get the dentures that you need is to have an honest and open discussion with your dentist to discuss your options.

Find out the types of dentures

Information is your best weapon in the fight to choose the right dentures. Realize that there are partial, complete and overdentures available for each individual situation.

Like the names imply, partial and complete dentures are those that may take up only portions of the mouth (partial) while the complete dentures are taking the place of removed teeth. Overdentures are those that can fit over the teeth that remain.

With your dentist, you can determine what option will work best for your mouth’s situation as well as for your overall comfort.

Have your dentures immediately

One of the newer ways to have your dentures fitted is to look into immediate dentures. These are dentures that are created before you have your teeth removed so that you don’t have to go through any embarrassment of having gaps in your smile.

While these will need to be adjusted as the jaw bone heals, these can be the right dentures for those that may have gaps in their front visible teeth.

Go the conventional route

While conventional dentures require that you be without teeth for a few months as the dentures are being made, these dentures tend to fit a lot better than the immediate dentures.

You will have your teeth extracted and your gums will have time to heal as your new set of teeth is being made. There may be times of discomfort and self-consciousness, but overall, this is the better way to get dentures.

Take into consideration what you want

When it comes to choosing the right dentures for you, you want to take your time with your decision. This might mean consulting several dentists in order to see what each can do for you. Look at pictures of the dental work that they have previously done to see if you like the results that they have achieved.

If you have troubles after receiving your dentures and find that you are using adhesive on a continuous basis, your dentures may need to be refitted.

Dentures can be a fresh start to a great smile, but only if you take the time to find the best dentist and the best dentures for you.

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Indahnya Kebersamaan


5 Tips To Dealing With Dry Skin

Dry skin is a problem that not only occurs during the cold winter months, but also during summer as well. The increased humidity indoors in the winter and outdoors in the summer add to the problem that affects many sufferers around the world.

Symptoms of dry skin include redness and a tight feeling when you attempt to bend your fingers or even in the slightest movement of your hand. In the case of extreme dry skin, cracking and bleeding may occur. This is the most unpleasant part of dry skin as it can be very embarrassing and, as expected, very painful. While it often seems that there is no way to end this discomfort, there are several tips to help individuals who suffer from dry skin.

Dry Skin Tip # 1
Use a soap that has moisturizing lotion. This will be gentler on your skin and will add moisture back where it has been otherwise removed. If possible, avoid harsh soaps that dry out the skin or strip it of it’s natural moisture.

Dry Skin Tip # 2
While it is important to maintain proper hygiene, overly washing your hands or showering multiple times each day may promote dry skin. After washing, it is equally important to dry your skin thoroughly to prevent it from chapping.

Dry Skin Tip # 3
One of the most effective dry skin treatment products is Pacquin Plus Dry Skin Cream, which is sold in 8oz. bottles. This thick white lotion provides instant relief for dry skin and can be applied to not only the hands, but the entire body as well.

Dry Skin Tip # 4
Use a quality exfoliation product to remove dry and/or dead skin cells. By removing the old cells, you will expose the healthy cells and may be better able to fight against nature’s harmful effects.

Dry Skin Tip # 5
If problem worsens or persists, consult a dermatologist. In some instances, over-the-counter products may not be able to treat severe cases of dry skin. A dermatologist has the ability to recommend stronger treatment products, which may be needed in some instances.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as professional medical advice. The information contained herein should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, a doctor’s recommendation . Any individual who develops severe dry skin or that which does not respond to over-the-counter treatment, should consult a licensed dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Indahnya Kebersamaan


5 Safe & Effective Home Remedies

While some ailments require specific medications, others may be treated with simple home remedies that have withstood the test of time. Generations ago, people began using home remedies and have passed their knowledge on to their families as time progressed. Still, many are unaware of the large number of home remedies that can provide instant, safe and effective relief. Best of all, home remedies do not cause side effects as other conventional medications often do.

Anyone who suffers from allergies or a cold may find themselves increasingly congested throughout the night. In order to relieve breathing and open the airway passages, an individual may find success in running hot water in the sink and slowly inhaling the steam from the running water. This will help to relieve blocked nasal passages and may help the sufferer to breathe easier at any time of day, including at night.

Snoring is a big problem, but few know how to treat it. In addition to a number of anti-snoring devices, medications and even surgery for extreme cases, there are also a number of home remedies that may help to eliminate this nighttime nuisance. Anyone who snores may find that sleeping on their side, instead of their back, may help to eliminate the problem. Adding an extra pillow may also help to curb snoring due to the fact that the head is raised slightly higher and may help to prevent air passages from becoming restricted, which is a leading cause of snoring. In the event that snoring worsens or does not seem to respond to home remedies, it is possible that the individual has developed sleep apnea. This is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

With warmer months just ahead, the bees will be buzzing and this means the potential for bee stings. To lessen the itching of a bee sting, a combination of baking soda and water can be combined to create a paste that will ease some of the discomfort. Many individuals find this to be just another part of summer but to others, it can be life threatening. For people who are allergic to bee stings, medical help are not always close enough. Therefore, over the counter Benadryl is often recommended as a temporary aid to keeping the allergy under control until the bee sting sufferer can get to a doctor or hospital for further treatment. Individuals who are allergic may find that carrying Benadryl with them is a good idea.

Everyone is scared of the dentist, but it’s a part of life that everyone must face. Whether a recent tooth loss, cleaning or other procedure that may cause bleeding, rinsing with warm salt water on two to three occasions daily will help lessen the chance of infection and will ease soreness.

Anyone who paints their fingernails is probably familiar with the smell of nail polish remover. Well, for anyone who finds the smell unbearable or simply feels lightheaded in its presence, there is a much simpler way to remove nail polish. Simply applying clear nail polish to each nail and allow it to sit for 3-5 seconds before wiping it away with a napkin or paper towel. This will help to remove any trace of nail polish.

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Indahnya Kebersamaan


5 Killer Ways To Treat Athlete’s Foot

If you’ve got an itch on your foot that you can’t help scratching, then you might have a dreaded case of athlete’s foot. But there’s no need to worry because here are five ways that you can treat yourself—no doctor and no prescriptions needed.

Head over to the store

Your best cure for athlete’s foot might be available at your local grocery mart or drug store. Look for creams and ointments that contain clotrimazole or miconazole as their active ingredient. These are topical creams that can be directly applied to the feet.

All you need to do is reapply the cream after you shower to clean, dry feet and then cover with a pair of cotton socks. The cream should be reapplied two to three times a day after that for about two to three weeks.

Going the natural route

Another great way to treat athlete’s foot is similar to the store method, but with a more natural oil. Tea tree oil is known for its antifungal properties and works to destroy the fungus on the feet.

You’ll need to start with clean and dry feet and then apply the oil to the affected areas. You can do this several times a day for as long as it takes to cure the symptoms.

And it makes your feet smell great.

Cures from the kitchen

When you want to get rid of your athlete’s foot, you may just have to open up a few cupboards. Both baking soda and vinegar have been shown to help with treating this fungal condition—though not at the same time.

For the baking soda, you can soak the feet in a mixture of the powder and warm water. And if you have apple cider vinegar around, use that instead of the baking soda.

Getting your feet clean of fungus

Some will tell you that soaking your feet in bleach is also a good alternative for treating athlete’s foot. However, this has to be done carefully or you might injure your feet. You should only use two tablespoons of regular laundry bleach in a gallon of warm water.

Soak your feet for ten minutes and you can see results within a week’s time.

Scaring away the itchiness and redness

And while garlic is great for vampires, it’s even better for athlete’s foot. This is because the antibiotic ingredients in the garlic help to cure the infection. Just rub a clove of garlic (one that’s been cut in half) over the affected area a few times per day.

But with all of these ways of treating athlete’s foot, the best advice is to avoid getting it in the first place. Make sure that your feet are kept dry and avoid walking on your bare feet in conditions that are likely to harbor the fungus—public showers and shoe stores where you try on the shoes without a barrier.

And of course, good hygiene will always keep your feet clean and happy, and hopefully free from itching.

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Indahnya Kebersamaan


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